Tuesday, November 29, 2011

King´s Village DX-Station October: Radio Fé, 1220 Lima Peru

Well, once again - the propagation favoured Peru - and on October 28th especially Lima area - there were a lot of Lima stations audible - and almost nothing else! This was a typical very concentrated propagation towards a certain area which sometimes happens during the local sunrise. Stations from Lima were noted on about a dozen mw-channels from 1010 to 1570.
It was very interesting a note a station on 1220 whose program sounded very different of what I have noted here - it seemed to be christian station with some "palabra" and music, after 05 utc with promos mentioning also "Radio Fe" - I was a bit surprised to hear that as I did not know anything like that here. After some resources and again help from Henrik K. (thanks HK) it turned out to be a fairly new station at Lima Peru - Radio Fe 1220. The reception was rather good at time although with heavy spatters from 1215 and 1224. Also the station´s slogan "La Senal que Mueve Montanas" was heard.
It seems the station has started in 2010 and the station has a web-site and it streams the programs on net as well:http://www.radiofe1220.com/.

Saludos a Radio Fé Lima !


Friday, November 11, 2011

Mornings and Nights at the King´s Village DX QTH

Some nice mornings in November has been noted with a beautiful sunrise, but after the geomagnetic storm in the end of October it took quite a few days to reach the better conditions; as a matter of fact after the "big bang" in Oct 25 the next "normal level" of Trans-Atlantic signals was noted on Nov 9th with quite a few signals from Colombia (Ondas de la Montaña on 1350 - normally very hard to get something due to Euro-QRM), Minuto de Dios 1370, Vida AM Manizales 1420, Maria (presumed via Ondas del Ibaqué) - Maria also on 1500 (Manizales) - on 1540 classical music was tentatively also a Manizales station. And some others. It was nice as there was almost none from North America to disturb. And the sunrise was beautiful, as well.

In the evening a nice conjuction of the Moon and Jupiter was noted on Nov. 9th as well - nice!


Thursday, November 3, 2011

King´s Village DX Station September: Radio Vilcanota 1570 Peru

Once again dx-conditions favours Perú as often this fall. Already heard for the first time in August the station was afgain audible in September heard also by other DX-ers in Finland. It seems station can be heard although usually Bethel Lima dominates the channel. It is actually a bit higher than Bethel, so by looking at the screen (sometimes you have look at the screen on SDRs) you might separete these two Peruvian stations! Also the propagation conditions are sometimes very interesting letting through stations from Cuzco area or Southern Peru while stations in Lima area are not heard. That´s why it is so intersesting to dig these out of the noise.

Also this one has a web-stream at web - which I have not yet get working.

Saludos Cordiales a Radio Vilcanota Sicuani Peru!
