Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Towards the new MW-DX Season!

Once again we are on the important day of the Northern Hemisphere: the Annual Summer Solstice is now at 17.16 UTC - so we are now looking forward not only to the real summer season in Northern Europe - but also into the next medium wave DX as the nights are becoming gradUally longer. We in Finland have to survive the big "crazy" celebration days of the midsummer soon ("Juhannus"). Unfortunately the real ancient celebration which used to be rather exactly during the solstice has been transferred to the weekend around these days (and like many other such ancient traditions the christian culture has captured the old traditions). Anyway the tradition of Finnish Mid Summer Festifal is still strong with a couple of interesting magic traditions including Sauna & Swimming at remote lakes with mosqitos. Some - not so exact information of this - can be found at the BBC`s news - but there were notting about the Finnish Madness of DXing ? The story can be found at BBC-Finnish Midsummer

The picture below shows the situation at my Northern QTH (Haapavesi)- sun still shining after 22 local time at about 320 degrees.


Saturday, June 18, 2011

King´s Village DX-Station May: Radio Television Caranavi 1550

Bolivia on medium wave is not so easy at least with small antennas, but sometimes especially during the spring months it seems the propagation favours these stations when the usual dominants further North are not so strong. It seems this one on 1550 is one of the most common from Bolivia to be heard. That was the situation in the beginning of May when the MW was going to be rather silent at the end of the real MW-DX Season this winter. The station was dominating the channel quite a few mornings during the local sunrise at the DX-QTH. It seems the sation usues also "Television" in it´s station identifications. The signal was best usually around 01.30-02.00 UTC. The station has a web-page - also in English at http://rtc.bz/index_archivos/mision_in.html.

Best wishes to Bolivia!

73s TK

Friday, June 3, 2011

King´s Village DX-Station April: Radio Onda Cero, Chamaca 1640 kHz

A typical Peruvian programming started to appear on 1640 in April and after some work from the Swedish Experts including Fredrik Dourén, Torolf Johnsson, B I Holmberg + Henrik Klemetz - the location was discovered to be at Chamaca, Cusco dept. Peru. TNX HK & all other DXers in Sweden! The station had even a special program with greetings to Nordic listeners on May 6th, but the propagation (and the time of the program) did not favour our attemps to lsiten to the program.

Since then the station was audible rather often especially before May and the increasing sunlight here in Finland. I am sure we can capture the signals again in August. The high frequency and rather free channel can make it rather easy to get this one later on. There is however, many times also the Dominican station on the same frequency, but you can easily separate the programming of these two - Onda Cero has a typical "Peruvian modulation" and usually at night programs with folklore muisc and messages to the listerners. In April-May Onda Cero was very stable on 1640.008-.009 kHz. Maybe the high location has also something to do with the good reception. Hopefully we can get more info from the station about the power of the Tx.

The latest news from the station (via FD, TNX) - the new name of the station is RADIO KALIKANTO, with slogans: "desde chamaca-chumbivilcas para el mundo" "una radio para confiar".

Saludos Cordiales a Radio Onda Cero / Radio Kalikanto, Chamaca!