October this year was one of the worst dx-wise as the conditions were quite poor most of the month and improved only in the end of the month. There was, however an opening with some stations from Latin America on October 5th in the beginning of the month.
One of the stations on 1400 from South America is Radio Z-1 Guayaquil Ecuador. The dominant from the L.A. is usually from Peru - Super Radio Callao on 1400 (1399.996) but thanks to the offset of Radio Z-1 (it has been on 1399.94 several years) Z1 is audible also, sometimes with rather good strength. That was the case also on Oct. 5th this year.
A typical situation on 1400 can be seen on this picture showing the carriers of Z1, Radio Callao, Emissora Mariana Bogota and CBC among others (SDR-radio IQ-analysis 11 Nov.2012).
Saludos a Radio Z1 !