Wednesday, October 3, 2012

King´s Village DX-Station August: Radio Andina 1390

Bienvenidos Bolivia (photo TNX J.Tulla)!
As we ended last seasons presentation with Bolivia so it is nice to start with a new Bolivian Radio Andina Pongo K´sa, Dept. Cochabamba Bolivia on 1390 kHz.
In fact quite a few Bolivians were noted in Finland (and Sweden) during April through the summer to August. And it seems really we have forgotten to check Latin American Andian stations during the summer. Of course one reason at least to me is the lightning season which can damage our antennas and receivers. Especially unattended SDR-recording systems are in Danger.
Thanks to MKA who activated his home-QTH with good antennas the number of logged Bolivians has grown significantly recently. As far as I know at least 1300, 1390, 1520.05, 1540, 1550, 1580.5 are a few of the most commmon channels which have been open during the summertime. And in fact Southern Finland (not to speak about Southern Sweden) is one of the best place to hear these signals during the summer time.
Thanks to Henrik Klemetz many, like this one has been checked and identified. And HK also organized "old-fashined real" QSL-cards from the station via Rogildo Fontenelle Aragão who has been working in Cochabamba for some time. And thanks to the station's Sr. Victor Pacheco who has signed the cards.

Saludos a Radio Andina y Muchas gracias a Sr. Victor Pacheco y Sr. Rogildo Fontenelle Aragão!

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