The circle is now closed - this season 2012-13 started with a Bolivian last August and now we are back with Bolivians in May 2013. Indeed the conditions favour Bolivia particularly in May as many years. This time one of the strongest station which was widely heard not even in Finland but in other Nordic countries on the very same morning: May 9th. There were a couple of other signals noted also in May - some of the strongest were on 1520.05, 1440, 1550 and 1580.5. A few others were noted as well. In fact the station was audible even at my home urban QTH with moderate signals using an ALA100 antenna (3x7 meters) and a SDR-IQ-receiver!
This station has been one of the easiest since some time probably due to transmitter power increase or new antennas. In fact the same program was noted also on 1480 and as far as I know there are several transmitters on 1480 now.
It is my pleasure to name "Radio Bendita Trinidad" to the station of May at my DX-QTH!
Saludos Cordiales a Radio Bendita Trinidad!